In this tutorial, we show you step-by-step how to configure Google Analytics 4, Google Ads and Google Tag Manager to work with your PrestaShop store. Prepare your store to work with Google's services to benefit from accurate analytics of your PrestaShop store in GA4 and conduct effective ad remarketing. ...

- Trial is a free, full-featured module with a 14-day validity period
- To download Trial you must be logged in
- Trial is covered by HelpDesk support if you got it on your account.
- After 14 days Trial module will automatically uninstall itself from your store
- PrestaShop and Google Analytics
- Google Analytics 4
- Google DataLayer
- Google Ads + Enhanced Conversions
- Google Tag Manager
- Precise traffic source determination
- Guarantee to pass 100% conversions
- Analytics for domestic and international sales
- Access detailed data in the Back Office
- Full support for Google Consent Mode v2
- Advanced debugging
- All Google tools and enhancements for eCommerce in 1 module
- Analytics enhancements in PrestaShop
- PrestaShop integration with other Google services
Guaranteed lossless integration
The module guarantees a lossless connection of your PrestaShop store with Google Analytics 4, Google Tag Manager and Google Ads services.
Google API - 100% conversion guarantee
The lossless connection is ensured by the latest Google API solutions. The module sends orders to Google according to the order status you set - with a guarantee of transferring 100% conversions.
Precise analysis and remarketing
You will use the data collected by the module for accurate sales analysis, precise advertising and remarketing, as well as in optimizing your PrestaShop store.
Google Consent Mode v2
The module supports Google Consent Mode v2, and sensitive information, such as customer's email is sent in SHA256 hashed form - according to Google's documentation and in accordance with data protection law.

Google Integrator module is recommended
by top marketing agencies around the world.
All reviews of our services are verified and come from PrestaShow customers. If you want to learn more about how we process feedback, please read our Terms of Service.

Guarantee of effectiveness
Our module is a guarantee to collect all data about users, traffic sources, events and sales in your store.
DataLayer (data layer)
DataLayer is a concept used in web analytics to tag and upload real-time events from your store to Google services.
You don't have to do anything
Google Integrator module will recognize and transfer all events from your store to Google services
We will custom implement the custom events that occur in your store and fix the gaps and errors in the template and module tags.
The module supports a set of events necessary for precise analysis and advertising of your store:
- Product list browsing
- Interacting with a product in the product list
- Entering a product from the product list
- Direct entry into a product
- Viewing product details
- Adding a product to the shopping cart
- Removing a product from the shopping cart
- Browsing the shopping cart
- Starting an order
- Order steps
- Completing shipping information
- Completing payment information
- ECommerce data: amounts, currencies, discounts
- Completing the order
- Return the order
Advertising and remarketing
Use the traffic and sales data you collect to perform precision ad remarketing. With the data the module collects, you will be able to target your ads with precision.
Enhancements and add-ons
The module supports Enhanced Conversions and guarantees a lossless connection of Google Ads service directly to your store or via Google Tag Manager.

Full automation
Google Tag Manager is a tag management system. GTM can receive data from your PrestaShop store, process it and pass it to other services like GA4 or Ads.
The module provides full automation, so you can teach GTM to communicate with your store in a few clicks.

Examines sources of inputs and customer traffic in the store
The module examines customer traffic based on real-time analysis of server logs andusing Google analytics scripts.
Details about the sources and customer traffic in the Back Office
You can find the entire path of customer traffic in the order preview and abandoned cart preview.
Customize the configuration according to the needs of your marketing agency.
- If a customer visits your store several times - you can specify which traffic source (first or last) will be sent to Google.
- Set the time in hours after which the customer's entry source will expire. When a customer visits your store after a long absence a new traffic source will be indicated.
- Indicate the sources of entry to be omitted from the statistics, such as payment method pages.

Indicate order statuses
The module sends conversions from your store to Google when an order receives the order status you indicate.
The module will detect changes in order statuses
The module will detect changes in order statuses
The module supports all payment methods
It does not matter if the "Thank you page" is loaded in the customer's browser.
Indicate order statuses
The module will detect order status changes performed by you, automatically by PrestaShop or performed by external integrations (ERP, Amazon, Allegro, etc.).
Indicate order statuses for which conversion information will be sent from PrestaShop to GA4, GTM and Ads. The module sends orders from the store to Google when the order receives the order status you indicate.
The module supports all payment methods
It doesn't matter if the "Thank you page" is loaded in the customer's browser. The conversion about the order is sent to Google when the order receives the status you specified.
The module using Google API will transfer analytical data to Google services without any loss and in accordance with GDPR / RODO laws).

Configure the module to collect the data you are most comfortable analyzing in Google. Set in the module whether to upload to GA4:
- Transfer turnover / income.
- Transmit net / gross values.
- Exclude / include delivery costs.
- Transmit currency information.
Conversion to the main currency of your Google account is handled by Google according to the current exchange rate.

The list of sources of customer inputs to your store and analytical details can be found in the order preview and in the abandoned cart preview.
- List of customer input sources with indication of the best source.
- A list of data that has been submitted to GA4.
- Confirmation of receipt of data by GA4.

The module supports all the new features for Google Consent Mode V2. In the module's settings, you can configure on-page default consents, which are sent to Google before the user agrees to use cookies.
Useful information and instructions
You can find more information about cookies generated by Google Integrator module and useful information about Google Consent Mode v2 in FAQ: https: //

You can enable debugging mode in the module. In this mode, you can observe all DataLayer events in real time directly in your browser console (developer tools).
Use this mode to correct your template if any events are not properly transmitted to GTM.
With the module you will integrate all Google analytics and advertising tools for eCommerce stores. The module in configuration requires basic knowledge of Google tools.
- Google Analytics 4
- DataLayer and all eCommerce enhancements
- Google Tag Manager
- Google Ads, remarketing and Enhanced Conversions
- Google Consent Mode
- Google API
Do you need comprehensive implementation assistance?
If you need a comprehensive implementation service of all Google tools by a specialist, buy the module with Google Account Installation and Configuration services - you will find them in the top section of the page, in the module price box.
Google account setupservice includes Merchant Center account setup for free - if you use our Feeder module.
If you have individual needs - please contact us.
OPC order on one page and in multiple steps
The module supports and examines order and traffic statistics for One Page Checkout (OPC) orders and in multiple steps. The module supports custom shopping cart modules, including BestKit, Sunnytoo, Knowband, Klarna, Svea, PayPal, Supercheckout and others.
Order analytics from before installing the module
The module will allow you to send existing orders in the store to your Google Analytics account in bulk. These can be orders created before the installation of the module.
Analytics of orders from outside PrestaShop
If the orders in your store are generated by other sources, such as ERP integration, Baselinker, Allegro, etc. - the module will detect them and send information about them to Google. You can also skip them.
Audit and customized approach?
Contact us for a quote for a professional audit and a complete Google services implementation service.
On the order list, the module adds an interactive "Sent to Google Analytics" button, which is a reliable information based on Google API about whether the order went to Google Analytics. In the order details, you'll find a list with the sources of customer inputs, so you can check where the customers making a purchase in your store are coming from.
Handling returns and transaction reversals
The module allows you to manually and automatically (based on any order status) remove order and conversion information from Google Analytics, e.g. in case of a return or cancellation of a sale.
IP address anonymization in Analytics
Support for the Personal Data Protection Act (RODO).
Protection against double sent transactions
The module controls uploaded orders and will not allow double counting and uploading of this information in Google Analytics statistics.
Log of performed operations
The module logs all operations to a log.txt file so you can know the details of all interactions that occur between your customers, store, module and Google Analytics account.
Multistore support
PrestaShop Multistore support for this module is optional. With Multistore support, you can set up an independent connection to Google tools for each store separately or together for multiple stores.
In our store you will find modules with which you can integrate your PrestaShop store with other Google services for online stores.
Google Login
The ability to log in and register your store with a Google account. The module uses a secure Google API and allows customers to quickly log in with 1-click. This module will speed up the customer's purchase path by up to 80%!

Google Merchant Center
With Feeder you will generate XML files necessary to integrate your PrestaShop store with sales portals, price comparison sites and marketplace. In the module you will find ready-made XML integrations and you will be able to create your own.

Google My Business
The module displays reviews and information from your My Company profile and allows you to manage and respond to reviews directly in your store. Responses will also appear in your Google profile.

Technical Requirements
- PHP 7.1 - 8.x
- Server extension ionCube Loader
- PrestaShop Importer only: PHP libxml version > 2.9.3
- PrestaShop Facebook Integrator only: PHP 7.2 or higher
- PrestaShop VAT Validator only: PHP SOAP
Support = Updates + HelpDesk
You get 90 days (3 months) access to the complete PrestaShow support package.
Module updates
Modules will inform you about available updates. Read the changelog and perform a 1-click module update directly from your store.
HelpDesk panel
This is the panel where we will provide you with help. On HelpDesk you can report problems, order free module installation and updates, and order modifications and custom programming work.
Extend support
After support expires, you can use the module without any restrictions. You can extend your support access at any time you need it.
Knowledge Base & FAQ
Free forever
The knowledge base is available to everyone. You will find module documentation as well as instructions, videos and answers to frequently asked questions.
Lifetime license for the module
- You can use the module without limitation in 1 store = 1 domain.
- You can use an additional domain, e.g. for developer copy.
- For a small fee you can change the domain for the module yourself.
Additional domains for Multistore
- All our modules support PrestaShop Multistore.
- Supporting unlimited domains for PrestaShop Multistore requires purchasing multistore support for the module.
Modifying the code
- The module code related to the integration with the store and the design (.tpl, .css, .js) has open source code and you can modify it freely.
- The module's source code (.php) is encrypted with ionCube, and modifying it will void the warranty.
Demo - test the module
- You can test the module in our demo store.
- You can find the link to the demo store in the top section of ⬆️.
- If you have any problems with the operation of the demo, please contact us
hash’u maila jest wysyłany do DataLayer, gdy klient jest zalogowany :-)
to zamówienie zostanie wysłane do GA trzy razy? Czy tylko raz?
Zaktualizujcie moduł do najnowszej wersji - w razie potrzeby służymy pomocą na HelpDesk.
Zakup został dokonany w Euro. parametr currency na poziome zdarzenia jest Euro, natomiast w tablicy Items jest PLN.
Jak to naprawić?
Zaktualizuj moduł do najnowszej wersji, powinno to rozwiązać Twoje problemy.
w DebugView widać 2 wywołania eventu purchase.
Dodatkowo konwersja purchase nie przekazuje wartości zdarzenia oraz wartości w parametrze łączne przychody
Zdarzenie purchase odpala się prawidłowo, wartość zdarzenia jest zgodna z wysokością zamówienia., natomiast w kolumnach transakcje, przychody z zakupów są same zera.
Myślę, że problemem może być kwestia waluty - sklep działa w złotówkach i euro i widzę, że parametr waluty potrafi być różny na poziomie zdarzenia i tablicy items. Jak można to ogarnąć?
Po październikowej aktualizacji moduł przestał poprawnie przesyłać źródła konwersji. Większość klików z google ads przypisywanych jest jako non set. Obecnie z modułem nie da się prowadzić kampanii.
W dniu 11.11.2023 r. z 27 klików google ads, moduł przypisał tylko 1 w GA4.
Próbują naprawić aktualizacjami, ale mam wrażenie, że jest coraz gorzej. Napisałem prośbę o zwrot pieniędzy za moduł.
Do tego UWAGA - USUWAJĄ KOMENTARZE bez naszej zgody. Kupiliśmy u nich już kilka nietanich modułów (łącznie wydaliśmy u nich blisko 1956zł tylko na moduły) - w tym jeden do Facebooka w ubiegłym roku. Jak się okazało wysyłał cały czas niekompletne dane. Oczywiście od supportu pomoc była rozłożona w czasie, w ogóle nie przykładali się do tego i na końcu i tak nic nie pomogło nawet jak poprawili. Kupiliśmy moduł od innej firmy (nawet tańszy) i wszystko działa od pół roku jak należy. Wystawiliśmy więc ocenę (komentarz) dla Prestashow na stronie tego modułu facebooka z opisem problemów i działania supportu. Komentarz po kilku miesiącach został usunięty i mam na to dowody.
Sprawa kolejna - to nie jedyny przypadek. Bliska mi osoba również miała od nich moduł, pojawiły się z nim problemy. Po zgłoszeniu problemów jeszcze tego samego dnia polecili wykupienie wsparcia po zakupie którego od razu pomogą. Po zakupieniu przez 2 tygodnie nie można było się doprosić tego co zostało ustalone i za co zostało zapłacone. Na końcu został wystawiony komentarz po którym dopiero wtedy do "pożaru" wkroczył właściciel firmy i próbował ratować sytuację. Dopiero po komentarzach w kilku miejscach i totalnie sfrustrowanym i oszukanym kliencie... Myślałem że to coś ich nauczyło i że coś się zmieniło. Jak się okazało - KOMPLETNIE NIC.
Gratuluję - macie kolejnego sfrustrowanego klienta których jest coraz więcej (jestem na wielu grupach Prestashop i o tym wiem).
Google integrator support Google Ads. Remember to connect Ads with Analytics with Google Account settings.
For integration with Facebook Ads check our new module for eCommerce data and conversion tracking with Facebook latest API:
So sade there is no form to open a ticket :
It is said fill the form, but no form.
The challenge now is : Will it be an API tracking to Google Ads or Facebook Ads soon available ?
Nasz moduł załatwia resztę :-).
Metoda JS wykorzystuje najnowszy kod od Google.
czy jeśli chodzi o Google Analytics moduł korzysta z Global site tag (gtag.js), czy ze starego kodu?