- Operating the Importer is easy!
- Universal XML and CSV integration for PrestaShop
- Order in the product catalog
- PrestaShop integration with multiple wholesalers simultaneously
- 99.9% satisfied users
- Prepare a script for integration
- Wholesale integration in 5 steps
- The module supports all PrestaShop fields
- Import control and notifications
- We are constantly developing the capabilities of the importer
The module supports any XML and CSV (Excel) file
With this module you will integrate your PrestaShop store with product wholesalers and suppliers. The module will provide automatic flow of product information to your store.
No integration limits
Integrate your store with any number of wholesalers, suppliers and your own product feeds. Import and update product data in your store.
Support all PrestaShop fields and flexible configuration.
The module supports all PrestaShop fields and guarantees 100% automation - configure once and forget. You can modify integrations at any time - the module doesn't put any restrictions on you.

Self-service and fast - rely on automation and AI.
Our module is a modern solution with which you can manage integrations, imports and updates of data in your store independently and without limitations.
Full freedom - you can customize every setting according to your needs
You can specify the data to be imported and rely on full automation, or you can select and modify the data that goes into your store. You can perform various operations on the data before it enters your store - no programming knowledge required!

Duplicate products
Multiple suppliers of the same product
- When configuring a wholesaler, you can closely associate the wholesaler with the products in the store.
- If the same product appears in other wholesalers, it will not be overwritten by them.
CRON vs Queue
Queuing multiple integrations simultaneously
- You can set a schedule (CRON) for each wholesaler to run, such as every 30 minutes.
- You can create a queue and add multiple integrations to it.
- The queue automatically launches all integrations according to the set order - without involving you in the process.
Import to warehouses
STORAGE in prestashop
- With the Advanced Warehouse Management module, your products and combinations can be in multiple warehouses.
- Ideal when you have multiple stationary stores, integrate with multiple wholesalers and when you run dropshipping.

PrestaShop Importer is a universal and timeless solution. We have been developing the module for 12 years, so that you can integrate independently without limits and without subscriptions 😊.
All reviews of our services are verified and come from PrestaShow customers. If you want to learn more about how we process feedback, please read our Terms of Service.
An hour spent with the module is enough for you to import products into your store on your own. The module will reveal many useful features that will allow you to personalize the import and manage the product catalog more efficiently than before.
XML and CSV integration
Operation of the module does not require programming skills. The module reads all XML and CSV files. Upload the files and click the settings yourself to create the integration.
API integration
API integration requires the preparation of a script that will periodically connect to the API, retrieve product data from the API and feed the results to the importer. The script can be prepared by your programmer or by our team (extra paid service).

Do you expect a comprehensive implementation?
Order complex implementation of any wholesalers by our team. Prepare XML / CSV feeds or API documentation and login and password to the API you want to integrate with, then contact us.
The module will guide you through the integration process in 5 steps, and the work log and reporting system will inform you about the status of completed tasks.
List of XML, CSV and API integrations
Add integrations - upload a file, provide a link to the feed, set up a server or script login. Then manage all integrations on 1 screen. In the integration table you have access to the most important information, statistics and about the working time of each integration.

Configure tasks
Define what operations you want your integration to perform: import, update, add new products or disable unavailable products. In this step you will also adjust the import language, select a multistore store and other important settings for the integration.

Select or skip, modify data
The module supports more than 300 fields in PrestaShop to which you can import and update data. On the left you will find the data in your wholesaler, and on the right you will find the PrestaShop fields to which you can import data. Decide which data you want to transfer or omit.

Personalize import
In this step, you'll access the settings to massively personalize your integration:
- Skipping manufacturers
- Mapping and skipping categories
- Conditions for importing and selecting products
- Currency exchange rates
- A markup for prices
- Import and update
SEO - Import of features, attributes
and generation of combinations - Search and replace
or skip data
and - Search and replace
bulk data - And much more...

Start the import
Start and watch the import process. You can stop the import and come back later. You can run your integrations automatically using CRON or you can add an integration to a queue of multiple integrations.

The module supports more than 300 interactive PrestaShop catalog fields that you can import and update. We described in detail - in the Knowledge Base.
Features, attributes and combination generation
Generate combinations based on attributes in the file. The importer will do this automatically. You do not need to use additional modules and combination generator for this purpose.
Fill in missing data
Your feeds are missing data? With the module, imported or updated products, can be supplemented with manually added values.
For example, create a field with the content "SONY" and adjust it as "Manufacturer Name", or "Feature: Manufacturer". The importer will add the above information to all products as if it were in the imported feed.
You can combine multiple fields into one, such as Manufacturer + Name + Feature: Color = Product Name.
You can use the "Search and Replace" option, which will replace the searched phrases with ones you can better use in positioning or branding your brand.
Price and promotion support
You can import and update net, gross, unit, specific prices (with all their parameters) and purchase price. For each price, you can set a markup with price ranges, e.g.: for a net price of 10-15 PLN, charge 10%, and for 15-50 PLN, 4% markup.
To perform more precise operations on prices, check out our Price Master module - intelligent price management.

Support for multiple suppliers
Import and update the same item from multiple suppliers. With Importer from PrestaShow, you will take advantage of all the possibilities available in PrestaShop;
Import data for international sales
Import in multiple languages and currencies with the ability to use an exchange rate converter and automatic translations with the PrestaShop Translator module.
Multistore support
Using our module, you can import and update products in multiple Multistore stores. The importer will allow you to perform operations on all or selected stores.
Multistore support through the Importer module is optional and extra paid. Depending on your needs, you can buy Importer with Multistore support or buy it later.
PrestaShop store enhancements - completely free.
In the module's settings, you can enable features unavailable in PrestaShop, which will help you conveniently integrate with any wholesaler and supplier:
- Combination price is the total price of the product (and not the impact on the product price)
- Additional field "Combination description" - The customer, after changing the combination, sees its individual description.
- Additional fields "Combination dimensions: length, width, depth, weight".
- Show update date on the product page - use the date to inform customers that the stock is up-to-date
- Automatic Technical Break during import operation
- Import content and names of tabs managed in the "Additional tabs and sections on the product page" module.
Get a closer look at how the module is built
If the functionality of the module seems complicated to you - you will find answers to most of your questions in our Knowledge Base: https://helpdesk.prestashow.pl...
Import work report
You can enable or disable report generation in the configuration of each integration. The importer reports its work to log files, where you will find information about completed tasks and errors.
- Report with newly added products
- Report with disabled products
- Report of performed data import and update jobs
Performance control
The specification of your server will be used optimally. The module uses the available RAM and exploits the potential of multiprocessor servers, so it handles quickly even very large XML files and huge volumes of products.
- In the module configuration you can limit the speed of the module operation.

- The functionality of the module reflects the needs of PrestaShop store owners.
- Thanks to this, our module is ahead of the capabilities of solutions available on the market and sets new directions in automation, integration and dropshipping.
- If the module does not have an important functionality for you - describe your needs on HelpDesk. We can automate any process.
Do you expect a customized implementation?
Order a comprehensive implementation of any wholesalers by our team. Prepare XML / CSV feeds or API documentation and login and password to the API you want to integrate with, then contact us.
Technical Requirements
- PHP 7.1 - 8.x
- Server extension ionCube Loader
- PrestaShop Importer only: PHP libxml version > 2.9.3
- PrestaShop Facebook Integrator only: PHP 7.2 or higher
- PrestaShop VAT Validator only: PHP SOAP
Support = Updates + HelpDesk
You get 90 days (3 months) access to the complete PrestaShow support package.
Module updates
Modules will inform you about available updates. Read the changelog and perform a 1-click module update directly from your store.
HelpDesk panel
This is the panel where we will provide you with help. On HelpDesk you can report problems, order free module installation and updates, and order modifications and custom programming work.
Extend support
After support expires, you can use the module without any restrictions. You can extend your support access at any time you need it.
Knowledge Base & FAQ
Free forever
The knowledge base is available to everyone. You will find module documentation as well as instructions, videos and answers to frequently asked questions.
Lifetime license for the module
- You can use the module without limitation in 1 store = 1 domain.
- You can use an additional domain, e.g. for developer copy.
- For a small fee you can change the domain for the module yourself.
Additional domains for Multistore
- All our modules support PrestaShop Multistore.
- Supporting unlimited domains for PrestaShop Multistore requires purchasing multistore support for the module.
Modifying the code
- The module code related to the integration with the store and the design (.tpl, .css, .js) has open source code and you can modify it freely.
- The module's source code (.php) is encrypted with ionCube, and modifying it will void the warranty.
Demo - test the module
- You can test the module in our demo store.
- You can find the link to the demo store in the top section of ⬆️.
- If you have any problems with the operation of the demo, please contact us
No entries yet.
Czy moduł ma już wsparcie Prestashop 8.x? Jeżeli nie to kiedy jest spodziewane wprowadzenie wsparcia bo chciałbym już przejść na najnowszą wersję.
Natomiast jeśli chcesz importować zdjęcia w tym formacie - napisz do nas na [email protected].
Moduły są ze sobą połączone: PriceMaster wykrywa zmiany w cenach produktów, jeśli te zostały zaktualizowane przez importer i natychmiastowo zmienia ceny wg Twoich ustawień: zaokrągla, dodaje narzut lub marżę, itd.
PriceMaster pozwoli Ci stworzyć wiele reguł modyfikacji cen: wg. producentów, dostawców, kategorii. Zarządzanie cenami z poziomu dodatkowego modułu jest wygodniejsze i szybsze.
Łukasz Malinowski - wyłączanie produktów, aby moduł je pomijał jest i działa w PrestaShop 1.6. Wystarczy odhaczyć "ptaszek" na liście produktów, aby importer pomijał dany produkt. W PS 1.7 nie ma tej opcji. Jeśli będziesz zainteresowany odezwij się na HelpDesk :-)
Gdzie to się wyłącza?
Akurat mi się trafiło..
Zachęcamy jednocześnie do sprawdzenia modułu PriceMaster. Daje on wiele możliwości manipulowania zaokrągleniami, marżami, narzutami i zmianami cen - globalnie, według wytycznych oraz indywidualnie - na liście produktów i w produkcie :-)
Np gdy baselinker pobiera mi wszystkie dane z presty z bazy danych to jakie ceny wtedy są pobierane?
--- ZAOKRĄGLANIE CEN w PriceMasterze może działać na dwa sposoby: zmiana ceny w bazie (jednorazowa operacja) lub na żywo. Wtedy zaokrąglenie są ceny na froncie sklepu, w koszyku i zamówieniu. Moduł wykorzystuje tu standardowe funkcje PrestaShop (PriceCalculation) do obliczania cen. Dzięki temu ceny produktów istniejących, regularnie aktualizowanych oraz nowych są również obejmowane ustawionym zaokrągleniem (oraz marżą - też jest w PriceMasterze). Ta sama funkcja wylicza cenę brutto na podstawie netto*vat. Sama cena brutto nigdy nie jest zapisywana w bazie danych. Dlatego nie należy się obawiać tej metody.
--- PONADTO w PriceMasterze możecie precyzować metody zaokrąglania oraz doliczania marż wg producentów, kategorii oraz niebawem indywidualnie w edycji samego produktu.
--- DLACZEGO TAK? Zaokrąglanie (i marże) wdrażaliśmy do importera, jednak szybko okazywało się, że potrzeby są większe: marża wg kategorii lub różny sposób zaokrąglania (w dół, w górę) dla produktów z inną marżą.
Takie operacje są dość złożone, dlatego upychanie ich do importera pominęliśmy, a rozbudowaliśmy moduł PriceMaster, który daje te i wiele innych możliwości.
--- ZAPRASZAMY do napisania na [email protected] lub napisania na czacie w dole strony. Coś zaproponujemy.
Po 2 w demo za nic w świecie nie można się z nim dogadać. Prawie nic nie działa.
Po 3 to jednak kolejny wydatek.
Po 4 2019-05-13 (czyli 2,5 miesiąca temu) była informacja, źe jest to w planach a tu cisza...
Thank you for understanding.
Can you add between imported fields?
Can you add between imported fields?
Importer obsługuej import atrybutów i kombinacji. Proszę pamiętać, że kombinacja powinna mieć swój unikatowy kod i powinna zawierać informacje o produkcie, do którego należy - kod, ID lub EAN13 produktu
aktualizuję tylko ceny (na kupionym już module) na prywatnym serwerze (nie parametry ani serwer nie są słabe), od początku do zakończenia operacji muszę czekać ponad 7 godzin.. to jest dramat przecież.
Co do helpdesku - 3 dni na rozwiązanie problemu nigdy mnie nie zaszczyciło. Changelog jest po ANG, nie rozumiem tego języka, w Polsce mieszkam
Jeśli moduł wykonuje wiele operacji na pliku, takich jak obróbka danych, import selektywny, mapowanie czy import zdjęć z generowaniem miniaturek, to operacje te spowalniają jego pracę, ponieważ zużywają one zasoby CPU i RAM. Jeśli testują Państwo moduł w naszym sklepie demo muszą Państwo wiedzieć, że na serwerach obsługujemy średnio 20 wygenerowanych sklepów demo dziennie, w których klienci importują swoje pliki. Pełnej prędkości modułu w sklepie demo mogą Państwo nie doświadczyć w każdej chwili.
Co do wsparcia - serwujemy je regularnie na helpdesk.prestashow.pl, na mailu [email protected] oraz na czacie na dole tej strony. Zachęcam do korzystania z tych form kontaktu, ponieważ większość problemów rozwiązujemy w przeciągu 1-3 dni i jest to niezmienny timing od dłuższego czasu.
Moduł importera został wydany w stabilnej wersji v2.201 pokrywającej 99% funkcjonalności PrestaShop. Stale pracujemy nad optymalizacją jego szybkości i ta też w wykresie czasu stale rośnie. Zachęcam do obserwacji changloga, w którym wszystkie zmiany i nowości skrupulatnie są opisywane. W razie pytań zapraszam do kontaktu bezpośredniego.
Dominik - Jeden zakup modułu = jedna licencja = możliwość wykorzystania modułu w 1 sklepie.
Jeśli wszystkie 6 sklepów używasz w ramach MULTISTORE wystarczy że dokupisz rozszerzenie MULTISTORE do importera.
Jeśli wszystkie 6 sklepów to oddzielne instalacje, to należy zakupić 6 modułów importera. Odezwij się do nas na maila, przy takiej ilości zaproponujemy rabat.
Moduł bez problemu pozwoli zaktualizować dowolne dane w Twoim sklepie - ceny, nowe produkty, ilości również..