PrestaShop and Subiekt GT integration
Implementation tailored to your needs
At PrestaShow, we have developed an application that integrates PrestaShop store with Subiekt software.
The application is aimed at store owners who, in addition to the PrestaShop online store, conduct sales through InsERT Subiekt GT software in one or more stationary stores.

Our application is in beta and we implement it only on individual order.
The application is multiplatform (Linux, iOS, Android, Windows) and flexible - we can expand its capabilities to suit individual needs.
- The application works based on the API of Subiekt - make sure you have access to the API.
- The application can perform all the tasks allowed by Subiekt's API.
- Works with Subiekt GT Zone
- The application can also work based on the Subiekt database, but such implementation is more time-consuming to implement.
Structure of the software
The application consists of two components that provide a stable flow of information between SGT and PrestaShop store:
- Aprogram that runs on computers
- Amodule installed in the PrestaShop store
- PrestaShop 1.6, 1.7 or 8.x online store
- Subiekt GT software with API access
- Desktop store computer(s) with Internet access and access to the Subiekt GT database
Operating principle
The application performs 3 actions periodically:
- The Program listens to see if there have been changes to goods and services in Subiekt GT. If changes have occurred, the Program sends information about the updated products to the Module, and the Module updates the products in PrestaShop. Updating of products is done in real time, in the background.
- The Program ,connecting to theModule, checks what products have been sold in the online store, and then takes the appropriate amount of products off the stock in Subiekt GT.
- The Module can check if new data or orders have appeared in the online store. If so, it will download order information and transfer it to Subiekt or display it as a pop-up window in the Program on computers (or tablets / phones) in stationary stores.
Main tasks
- Synchronization of products in real time
- Synchronization of orders in real time
- Automation of shipping and packaging of online orders by stationary stores
- Other automation to make your work easier
Examples of PS integration implementation with SGT
Customization for your business
Below are some examples of what we have automated with our application.
Product synchronization
There is no need to go into PrestaShop to add products and process orders. These activities can be fully handled through Subiekt. New products added in Subiekt automatically appear in the online store:
- The program connects to the Subiekt database to retrieve product information
- The Program then sends the product data to the Module in the PrestaShop store
- TheModule updates and creates new products in the PrestaShop store and assigns their availability to stationary stores;
- If the Module detects deficiencies in the information about a product, such as lack of photos, descriptions, etc., it can retrieve them from the wholesaler's website by XML feed, CSV, API or WebParser method from any website.
Synchronization of orders and shipments
Orders from the online store are automatically shipped to stationary stores based on available inventory. The package information is displayed in that stationary store where the ordered product is currently located. The selection of the fulfillment store, if multiple stores have the product, is optimized.

Example 1
A customer orders products A and B from an online store. The module checks in which stationary store these products are available. If product A is available at stationary store X, while product B is available at store Y, then store X gets the information that it has to pack product A and ship it to the customer, the same way store Y gets the information that product B has to be packed and shipped.
Example 2
If all the products in the order are available in one stationary store, then packing of the order will be undertaken by only one store and only one package will be sent.

Let's tailor the applications to your business
Prepare your requirements
Our application is a flexible integration that we can prepare to handle any scenario that will automate your work and save time.
From basic operations like data synchronization to complex integrations and tasks.
Suggestions for implementation
- Stationary stores can 1-click parcel shipment with the carrier of their choice.
- Synchronize products and orders of multiple stationary stores with an infinite number of online and stationary stores.
- Automation of statuses and email notifications
- The stationary store can use, for example, a tablet instead of an Android or iOS computer.
- Stationary store stocking information on the product page and in the PrestaShop shopping cart
- Additional payment for shipment, if the shipment is carried out by several stationary stores
- Printing receipts for online orders - integration with a fiscal printer
How to order PrestaShop and Subiekt GT integration?
PShowSubiekt is the foundation of an efficient integration between PrestaShop and Subiekt, which we will prepare to your individual needs. The integration is stable, fast and efficient. Contact us and prepare the answer to the questions below.
- What version of Subiekt are you using?
- Does your Subiekt have an API?
- What is the operating system on the device running the Subiekt database?
- Where is the Subiekt database located (e.g. on a computer in a desktop store, on a web server)?
- Is remote access to the Subiekt database available?
- What version of PrestaShop is being used?
Operation of the integration of PrestaShop and Subiekt GT
- What data is to be synchronized and in which direction (e.g. inventory one way, from Subiekt to PrestaShop)?
- Other relevant integration considerations.
Prepare answers to the above questions and send them to [email protected]