- Mass price management in PrestaShop
- Comparison of standard and professional license
- Quick change of all prices on 1 screen
- Wizard - create modifiers for prices
- Smart work with multiple price modifiers
- Rich selection of operations on product prices and combinations
- Margin and mark-up
- Mass price change
- Generate and modify combination prices
- Generate purchase prices
- Generate specific and promotional prices
- Mass deletion of specific prices
- Rounding prices
- Product prices in currencies
- Use the field for the purchase price
- Price integration with wholesalers and ERP
- PriceMaster in the Product edition and in the Product List.
- Promotional codes to reduce margin / markup
- Price duality mode
- Security and transparency of the module operation
PriceMaster will speed up your work with prices in PrestaShop. Indicate a range of products according to any criteria, and then choose the operations you want to perform on prices.
- Pinpoint products and work on prices in bulk according to any criteria.
- A rich selection of mass operations on prices: changing all types of prices, markup and mark-up, rounding, managing prices on 1 screen and much more.
- Generation of promotional and product-specific prices and combinations.
- Detect price updates from ERP, CSV, XML and perform scheduled operations on prices.
Standard license | Professional license | |
Quickly change all prices on 1 screen | No | Yes |
Other module features and support are the same for standard and professional license.
After purchasing the standard license, you can upgrade to the professional license. Both licenses are lifetime for 1 store.
The functions described in this section are only available in the professional license.
Quick edit prices on 1 screen
In the module you will find a list of products with search and filtering. From the list you can edit all types of product prices and combinations.
- Click a price to edit it. Enter a value, the change will save immediately without reloading the page.
- Click on the product name to show combination prices and prices in currencies (if you use multiple currencies in the store).
- Net and gross values are converted automatically.
Create promotional prices on 1 screen
You can quickly create a promotional price for a product and/or combination:
- Enter a promotional price or enter a price reduction in %. The module will immediately generate a new product-specific price.
- If the product already has specific prices - the module will ask you what you want to do.
1 Create modifier for prices
- In the module there is a wizard with which you can modify and generate new prices for products and combinations according to your needs.
- You can find the created modifiers in the list of modifiers in the main window of the module.
2. select the range of products and combinations
- Indicate the products for which you want to change, modify or generate new prices.
- You can combine product selection criteria with the assumption that all criteria must be met or only one of the selected criteria will suffice.
- Category
- Manufacturer
- Supplier
- Attribute possessed
- Attribute possessed
- Price range from - to
- Products indicated manually
3 Select operations on prices
- The module includes a rich selection of different operations you can perform on prices.
- You can quickly adjust the prices of your products according to market supply, competitiveness or pricing policy.
- Mass change of prices
- Margin and mark-up
- Generation of specific prices
- Rounding
- Generate and modify combination prices
- Generating promotional prices
4 Run or schedule an action
- Run the modifier one time - change the prices of products and combinations in your store instantly.
- Run the modifier automatically and cyclically - each modifier can run in the background.... E.g. when new products appear in your store or the XML, API or ERP integrator updates the pricing information, then the modifier will perform automatic operations on prices, e.g. add margins or round them.
Example modifier
- For the wholesale price of products from the "Accessories" category of the "Sony" brand.
- From the price range of 3-25 EUR
- Add a margin of 120%
- Save the new price, as a net price
- Round the net price up to .99
You can create a modifier for a range of products or for a specific product:
- Modifiers given to products individually rank higher than modifiers for bulk product ranges.
- If multiple mass modifiers apply to the same product, the modifier that has the highest priority will work.
- Determine the priority by Drag & Drop in the list of modifiers.
Margin and mark-up
Add margins or markup to product prices in bulk. Select a source price (selling price - purchase price) and specify a margin or mark-up. The price with the margin or mark-up will be saved as the product's selling price (net/gross).
What is the difference between margin and mark-up?
- Margins by price range
- 0 - 10 EUR = 50% margin
- 10 - 30 EUR = 25% margin
- above EUR 30 = margin of 10%
- Automatic margin
The module detects price changes (e.g. due to price updates from wholesale or ERP integration) in your store and automatically adds margins or markup to product prices.
- Margin per product
Add a margin or mark-up to individual products, e.g. for products that sell best or that have a lot of competition in the market.
Generate specific and promotional prices
The module will allow you to generate product-specific prices in bulk, taking into account all the criteria available in the PrestaShop standard.
- With specific prices you can create many different prices for products and combinations.
- You can generate specific prices based on purchase price, net price or gross price.
If you use multiple currencies in PrestaShop, you can give a price in any currency enabled in your store for each product and combination.
To give individual prices in currencies, go to edit the product and then to Modules > PriceMaster.
- You will avoid moving prices by changing currency exchange rates.
- You will match prices to the market abroad.
Purchase price (wholesale price, own cost) is a standard field in PrestaShop where you can store the price at which you buy a product.
Your store's customers do not have access to this price, but you can use this field to keep sales statistics and pricing.
Generate bulk wholesale prices
Use the module's function that copies the net or gross prices of your products to the wholesale price field.
- Based on the wholesale price, you can create modifiers and generate net, gross, unit and product-specific and combination prices.
- By using wholesale price, you can conveniently use markup and mark-up for prices in your PrestaShop store.
PriceMaster will detect price changes in the database made by external integrations and perform scheduled operations, such as charging markup, mark-up or rounding prices.
- Use the PrestaShop Importer module to import and update store prices from XML and CSV files.
- PriceMaster will detect price changes in the store and instantly recalculate prices according to your price modifiers.
- Integrations with ERP, API, Amazon, etc. can retrieve and update prices in your store's database.
PriceMaster in Product edition
- In Back-Office in the product editing tab, go to Modules > PriceMaster.
- Here you will set markup, mark-up and enter product prices directly in currencies that are enabled in your store.
PriceMaster on the product list
- In the module configuration, enable an additional column in the product list for quick setting of margin or markup.
- You can quickly add and modify margins or markup from the product list in the PrestaShop catalog.
- The change saves automatically, as soon as you enter it - without reloading the page.
If you will be using markup, you can generate discount codes in the module that will reduce the markup on the product, not the price of the product.
- With margin discount codes, you will always sell products at a profit. Use this solution in your offer to B2B and B2C customers.
Create a margin discount promo code
- Enter the name, available quantity and expiration date of the discount code.
- Combine the discount code with the created modifier for margin or mark-up.
- A 7% discount code will lower the value of the margin or mark-up to, for example, from 12% -> 7%.
When creating a price modifier, you can choose which mode you want it to work in.
Main mode
Price modifications in the database
In this mode you are guaranteed uniform prices in the store and in integrations that use the database, such as ERP, Amazon, XML feeds for integrations with Google Merchant Center, Facebook Marketplace and others.
- Price changes occur in the database.
- The price change is visible in the store and for integrations using your database.
Additional mode
Price changes bypassing the database
This mode is useful when you want to run a promotion only in the store, without changing prices in the database used by external integrations. You can store different prices in the database and display different prices on the store.
- Price conversion only in the customer's browser.
- Prices in the database are not changed.
- This is a process unnoticed by the customer.
Before each price change, the module will present you with statistics about the products for which prices will be changed or generated and ask if you are sure you want to start the process.
Work log
Every operation performed by the module is saved to a log file, which contains the product code and the price before and after the change::
Operation #3221: PRODUCT_CODE: 100 EUR -> 95 EUR (-5%).
Backup and restoration of prices
Before each operation, the module performs an encrypted backup in all database tables that store pricing information. Copies are available in the module and you can restore prices from any period at any time.
You can read more about the requirements in the knowledge base
Minimum requirements for all modules:
- PHP 7.1 - 8.x
- Server extension ionCube Loader
- PrestaShop Importer only: PHP libxml version > 2.9.3
- PrestaShop Facebook Integrator only: PHP 7.2 or higher
- PrestaShop VAT Validator only: PHP SOAP
- You get 3 months of support access to the module.
- Support gives you access to HelpDesk and module updates.
- After support expires, you can use the module indefinitely - in the version that was available on the day your support expired.
- You can extend your access to support and updates at any time
Module updates
90 days
Modules will inform you when an update is available. Refer to the changelog. Module updates are conveniently 1-click from your store.
HelpDesk support
90 days
HelpDesk is a panel where we provide help for modules. On HelpDesk you can order module modifications and custom programming work.
Knowledge Base - FAQ
For free
The knowledge base is available to everyone. In it you will find documentation of modules and answers to frequently asked questions.
- Full contents of the license
- License management manual - read before you buy.
- Below is a summary of the most important information:
The license is perpetual for 1 domain
- The license for the module is perpetual and you can use it without time limit for 1 store = 1 domain.
- You can add an additional domain for a test store.
- Once every 30 days you can change the domain for the module for a fee.
Multistore domains
- All our modules support PrestaShop Multistore
- Supporting unlimited domains for PrestaShop Multistore requires purchasing multistore support for the module.
Modifying the module code
- The module code related to the integration with the store and the appearance (.tpl, .css, .js) has open source code and you can modify it freely.
- The module's source code (.php) is encrypted with ionCube, which ensures security and increases the module's performance. PHP code you can't modify.
- You can test some modules in our demo store. You can find the link to the demo store in the top section of the page
- You can test some modules for free by downloading 14-day Trial .
- If you have any problems with the operation of the Demo or Trial version, please contact us
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"An error occurred while creating an object. pshow_pricemaster_config (Unknown column 'auto_renew' in 'field list')"
Po roku używania modułu, widzę tylko jeden spory minus tzn. "Przed każdą operacją moduł wykonuje backup tabel w bazie danych" i mi się uzbierało już ponad 6 tys. backupów, które zajmują ponad 160 GB !!! Przydałaby się opcja wyłączenia tych backupów i/lub masowego ich usuwania. Mogę oczywiście usunąć fizycznie pliki z z serwera, ale na liście backupów w module nadal są one widoczne i obawiam się czy nie będzie to powodowało jakichś problemów.
Poza tym moduł działa rewelacyjnie!
Mateusz Ł dodanie doboru produktów po cenach i stanie magazynowym zakolejkowalismy dla kolejnych wersji.
An error occurred while creating an object. pshow_pricemaster_config (Unknown column 'rounds_list' in 'field list')
Nasuwa się pytanie, czy to wina konfiguracji sklepu demonstracyjnego, czy to jakiś błąd w skryptach?