Services and extensions
Express module installation is done on HelpDesk up to 3 working days. You can install the modules on your own - see the FAQ on HelpDesk for instructions.

This extension will allow you to configure the module independently in multiple Multistore stores. Without this extension, you will only be able to use the module in one Multistore store.

The lowest price of this product in the last 30 days before the discount was 95,00 EUR gross
-5% 75,00 EUR
71,25 EUR VAT incl.
( 57,93 EUR net)
57,93 EUR net
71,25 EUR VAT incl.
The lowest price of this product in the last 30 days before the discount was 95,00 EUR gross
    232 points in the loyalty program
    Premium With the module, you get 3 months of support, which you can extend at any time
    Access You will get access to the module files immediately after payment
    EU Invoice You will receive a VAT invoice with your order
    Detailed description

    PrestaShop Omnibus

    History of product price changes

    The module will adapt your PrestaShop store to the current legal requirements and Omnibus directive. The module archives the changes in the prices of products and combinations and informs your store's customers about the lowest price of products on promotion, in the past statutory time.

    • Product and combination prices
    • Promotional and specific prices
    • Prices in currencies

    Omnibus Directive - obligation to transparently inform about prices in the online store

    The Omnibus Directive is European in scope, and requires the entrepreneur-owner of an online store to inform customers about the lowest price of the browsed product that occurred within 30 days back from the time the promotional price of the product appeared.

    The messages displayed by the module have been translated in languages:

    • English
    • Polish
    • Italian
    • Spanish
    • French
    • German

    The module implements the requirements of the Omnibus directive

    Presentation of price changes

    The module automatically detects where your store displays product prices and displays relevant information next to the prices.

    • You can rely on full automation of message display.
    • You can independently place {Smart-Tag} in any places of your store.

    How to present Omnibus prices?

    • Only the icon.
    • Message only.
    • Icon + message.

    Where to present Omnibus prices?

    • Next to the crossed out old price.
    • Next to the current price.
    • Below the current price.
    • Anywhere with {Smart-Tag}, such as in the shopping cart, in the product list, etc.

    When to present Omnibus prices?

    • Only when the product is on promotion.
    • Always next to the product price.
    PrestaShop Price Log
    PrestaShop Omnibus

    Interactive icon

    Icons (in ultra-small SVG format) correspond to an increase, decrease, no change in price or first price (new product) recently.

    When you move the cursor or touch the icon, a message appears about the lowest price of the products or about the lack of price changes.

    Set of icons informing about price change

    Interactive message

    Information about the lowest price of the product in the sequence or about no price change. You can, for example, display the icon always at the product price, and the full message only when the product is on promotion.

    prestashop omnibus
    Interactive icon and message under the promotional price
    PrestaShop Price History

    Message content

    In the module configuration you can edit messages in all languages enabled in your store. You can use {Smart-Tags} in the message with the lowest price and number of days.


    You can modify the appearance of icons and messages by editing .tpl and .css files of the module.

    Set your own message and its translations.

    Product price history in PrestaShop

    Detection of changing product prices

    Price storage time

    In the configuration, you can specify the number of days for which the module will store prices and search for the lowest price from this period. The default value is 30 days.

    Source of price change origin

    The module will detect product price changes from all possible sources:

    • Back-Office price editing
    • Updating prices from XML and CSV
    • Price changes via API
    • Price changes coming from ERP orprogramming
    Configuration of the display location and content of the interactive price change message


    View and edit price history

    Access to full price history in all currencies in product edition

    Price history in product edition

    • The module archives prices in all currencies enabled in your store.
    • You can edit the stored price history in the product edition, which will come in handy if you make a mistake while creating a promotion or editing prices.
    • The module works with Multistore.

    Collect reviews according to Omnibus directive

    Automatically collect reviews

    Check out the PrestaShop Opinions module, which automates the collection of reviews in your store in accordance with the Omnibus directive.

    The module allows you to attach photos to reviews of your products, and customers can receive points in the loyalty program for reviews.

    Changelog ()
    Komentarze ()
    The reviews posted on our store are not sponsored in any way. We also verify that they were added by customers who have purchased from us or guests. If you want to learn more about this topic please read our Regulations.
    Elżbieta P
    Jak zwykle klasa. Kolejny zakup. Dzięki i polecam
    Łukasz, we wrześniu informowaliśmy mailowo o możliwości wystąpienia takiego błędu.
    W skrócie: pobierzcie moduł z swojego konta i podmieńcie pliki modułu na FTP.

    Więcej informacji i szczegółowa instrukcja znajduje sie w bazie wiedzy:
    Lukasz Piec
    Dzień dobry. Zakupiliśmy Państwa moduł już jakiś czas temu i wszystko działa idealnie.
    W sobotę/niedzielę (kilka dni temu) pojawił się taki problem: Core Error: The encoded file /................../modules/pshowpricelog/vendor/prestashow/presta-core/functions.php has expired.

    O co chodzi? Z czego wynika ten błąd?
    Grzegorz Puzzle
    Instalacja i użytkowanie bez problemów. Polecam
    Paweł, nie otrzymujemy zgłoszeń z takim problemem - moduł prawidłowo usuwa archiwalne ceny, a najmniejszą cenę pokazuje wg ustawień w konfiguracji modułu. Odezwij się do nas na HelpDesk lub [email protected] - sprawdzimy i pomożemy.
    Wszystko działa :)
    Roman F
    Wojciech W
    Moduł robi to co ma robić, jest bezproblemowy, ładnie wkomponował się w stronę produktu. Polecam
    Maciek G
    Ps 8.0.3 śmiga jak żyletka! Polecanko:)
    Mariusz Hermanowicz
    W jaki sposób można otrzymać rabat do modułu opinii zgodnych z Omnibusem, o którym informowaliście na początku roku?
    Marcin Pakulski
    w porządku
    Anna Karolkowa
    Super modulik. Nasz prawnik sprawdził i zatwierdził. Polecamy :)
    Kiedy można spodziewać się wsparcia dla wersji 8.x?
    Tomáš Dvořák
    All Good. Thanks!
    Małgorzata W
    Wszystko pięknie, Panowie na wsparciu bardzo pomocni. Moduł działa. Sprawa Omnibusa załatwiona :-)
    Arek G
    wszystko ok
    Kasia Kulszewicz
    Korzystamy od miesiąca. Nie sprawia problemów. Działanie modułu zaakceptował prawnik opiekujący się sklepem. Mamy kilkaset produktów oraz kombinacji, dwie waluty, regularne promocje i zmiany cen z integracji XML modułem pshowimporter oraz ustawiane ręcznie cenami specyficznymi. W pełni polecam :)
    Łukasz, możemy dodać taką funkcjonalność - będzie ona kompatybilna wstecz, tzn. zadziala też dla cen już zebranych przez moduł. Otwórz zgłoszenie na
    Czy planujecie możliwość wyboru czy wyświetlaną najniższą ceną ma być: cena brutto / cena netto? Obecnie w tagach widzę tylko najniższą cenę z VAT.
    Jonathan H
    Installation and configuration in few minutes. Good looking and working well. Recommend.

    Leave a comment

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    • Rating:

    Technical requirements

    You can read more about the requirements in the knowledge base
    Minimum requirements for all modules:

    • PHP 7.1 - 8.x
    • Server extension ionCube Loader
    • PrestaShop Importer only: PHP libxml version > 2.9.3
    • PrestaShop Facebook Integrator only: PHP 7.2 or higher
    • PrestaShop VAT Validator only: PHP SOAP
    Support and updates
    • You get 3 months of support access to the module.
    • Support gives you access to HelpDesk and module updates.
    • After support expires, you have permanent access to the module in the version that was available on the day your support expired.
    • You can extend your support access at any time

    Module updates
    90 days

    Modules will inform you when an update is available. Refer to the changelog. You will update a module conveniently with 1-click.

    HelpDesk support
    90 days

    HelpDesk is a panel where we provide help for modules. On HelpDesk you can order modifications and custom programming work.

    Knowledge Base - FAQ
    For free

    The knowledge base is available to everyone. In it you will find documentation of modules and answers to frequently asked questions.


    Main domain and secondary domains

    • The module license is perpetual and you can use it without time limit.
    • You can assign the module license to 1 store = 1 domain.
    • You can add an additional domain for a test store.
    • Changing the domain is possible - for this purpose contact us.

    Multistore domains

    • All our modules support PrestaShop Multistore
    • Supporting unlimited domains for PrestaShop Multistore requires purchasing multistore support for the module.

    Modifying the module code

    • The module code related to the integration with the store and the appearance (.tpl, .css, .js) has open source code and you can modify it freely.
    • The module source code (.php) is encrypted with ionCube.
    • You can test some modules in our demo store. You can find the link to the demo store in the top section of the page
    • You can test some modules for free by downloading 14-day Trial .
    • If you have any problems with the operation of the Demo or Trial version, please contact us
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