You could work on trusting potential customers from foreign countries. This means adjusting the site for new challenges: properly configured currencies, additional languages and domains tailored to the markets where new customers are coming from. This builds trust. How do you tie it all together? PrestaShop Domain Manager comes to the rescue - a new module that will allow you to prepare your store for foreign customers and at the same time... take care of correct SEO.
Adjust your store for foreign customers
When selling internationally, you must be aware that not everyone is fluent in Polish. What's more, even translating your website and product descriptions into English can still be a barrier for buyers.
If the location you're opening up to is strictly defined (e.g. the Czech Republic), it's worth devoting resources to making your store as friendly as possible for that country's audience. With our module you can easily manage domains, languages and currencies in one PrestaShop store.
How to manage multiple domains in PrestaShop?
Let's go back to the example above: you want your PrestaShop store to work with for Czech customers and for Polish customers:
- Install the module in your store
- Redirect additional domains to your store
- Add the redirected domains in the module
- Assign languages and currencies to the domains
- Done!
- 5.0
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Assign to your heart's content!
With our module the configuration will take a while! You can assign the languages available in your store to the domain, and the module will switch the language automatically adjusting it to the language of the customer's browser. The whole process takes a fraction of a second and is unnoticeable to the visitor and web robots.
The same goes for currencies, redirection of links, categories, CMS pages and others to new domains that you connect to your store - our module will take care of everything :-)