Demo store
Download 14-day trial
  • Trial is a free, full-featured module with a 14-day validity period
  • To download Trial you must be logged in
  • Trial is covered by HelpDesk support if you got it on your account.
  • After 14 days Trial module will automatically uninstall itself from your store
Suggested service
This module requires manual connection of OVERRIDE files. To avoid problems, we suggest you to choose express module installation. If you know how to merge OVERRIDE files, you can install the module by yourself.

Services and extensions
This extension will allow you to configure the module independently in multiple Multistore stores. Without this extension, you will only be able to use the module in one Multistore store.

125,00 EUR VAT incl.
( 101,63 EUR net)
101,63 EUR net
125,00 EUR VAT incl.
    407 points in the loyalty program
    Support and
    Updates With the module, you get 3 months of support, which you can extend at any time
    Access You will get access to the module files immediately after payment
    VAT 0% You will receive a EU-invoice with 0% VAT.
    Detailed description

    Full support in collecting post-purchase reviews

    Collect product reviews effectively

    Automatic reminders - no subscription required!

    This module will automate the process of collecting reviews in your store. The module will send notifications to your customers and encourage them to leave reviews.

    Reviews to encourage purchase

    The feedback consists of a review, photos from the customer and a star rating. With such a set of information, you will encourage more customers to buy the product

    A review for each order - yes, if you provide value to the customer

    You can enable the rewards function for giving reviews and attached photos to reviews - information about the rewards will appear in the email and in the customer account.

    Moje Konto - zarządzanie wystawionymi opiniami i zdjęciami
    Customer account - products pending reviews.

    The process of collecting reviews has been fully automated

    Managing reviews in the customer's account

    • In the Your Reviews tab, the customer will find a history of purchased products awaiting reviews.
    • The module will send an email notification directing the customer to the store's feedback form - once in a while or once after a purchase - you set the schedule in the module configuration.
    • You can enable the rewards function for issuing reviews and attached photos to reviews - information about the rewards will appear in the email and in the customer's account.

    Photos of products from your customers

    Build trust in your brand

    • Customers can attach photos to each review.
    • The module optimizes the size and weight of photos to make them SEO-friendly.
    • You can set the maximum number of photos and moderate photos in Back-Office.
    • You can disable photo support in reviews.
    Form for adding ratings, reviews and photos

    Reviews are statistically profitable

    According to an OCCP survey, 93% of online shoppers are guided by product reviews posted by other consumers.

    The most valuable are reviews with photos and community ratings, which you will present in your store.


    Google product reviews

    SEO Friendly

    Rich Snippets - reviews in Google

    • The module is SEO friendly and has a valid Schema structure.
    • With Rich Snippets support, your reviews will appear in the search results of Google and other search engines.
    With Schema Rich Snippets, your feedback information will appear in search results.

    Feature reviews on your product page and product listings

    Build your own trust base

    Reviews on the product page

    List of product reviews with sorting: by date, community rating, number of stars or only reviews with photos.

    Author (in accordance with GDPR / RODO)

    Date added / date edited

    Content and rating


    Community rating

    Store response

    Opinia ze zdjęciami produktu
    List of reviews on the product page. Customize the look to your sabon by modifying .tpl and .css files

    Review summary on product page

    • Include a review summary box and place it anywhere on the product page.
    • The box includes a link to the rules and regulations for collecting reviews - according to the Omnibus directive.
    Summary of all product reviews - you can display anywhere on the product page using {Smart-Tag}.

    Community rating

    Popular reviews increase conversions

    Community rating is a feature that allows your store visitors to vote for the most useful reviews. Community rating builds trust, speeds up the decision-making process and increases conversions.

    • Each review can be rated by your store's customers as useful [+] or not useful [-]. The module will also present an average [+/-].
    • In the "Most Useful" review sorting mode, reviews with the highest community rating will be displayed at the top of the review list.
    • You can disable the "Community Rating" function.

    Collecting opinions in compliance with the Omnibus Directive and GDPR (RODO).

    The Omnibus Directive is European in scope and requires the online store owner to inform customers about how it verifies the authenticity of the reviews it collects.

    The module presents opinions transparently: it informs about the methodology of collecting opinions - you can edit the content of the collection methodology in the module configuration.

    Each opinion is associated with an order, product and customer account of your store.


    Automatic collection of reviews

    Email notification and notifications in the customer account

    prestashop-opinie-powiadomienia mailowe
    Email notification appearance

    Notifications in My Account

    Notifications module displays in My Account. On the "Give feedback" tile, the module will display statistics of pending reviews

    Email notifications

    In the configuration of the module you can enable sending email notifications.

    The module sends email notifications using the email settings in PrestaShop. Email sending is optimized to send a large number of emails.

    You can freely edit the appearance of emails in .tpl files.

    • Email after purchase (X days).
    • Reminder email (X days).

    Feedback management in Back Office

    All information on 1-screen

    Manage reviews conveniently in Back Office. All important information is visible on 1 screen, with filtering and search and reply at your disposal - quickly and without reloading the page.

    • Notifications in the Back Office when new reviews appear.
    • Accepting and moderating reviews and photos.
    • Convenient replying to reviews.
    Convenient feedback management in Back Office PrestaShop.

    Backfill your store with reviews for old orders

    Take advantage of your store's history

    feedback to old orders

    In the module settings you can start sending email notifications to orders from before the module installation.

    Each customer will receive one email with a summary of the products bought so far and a request for feedback.

    Optionally, the module will inform in the email about rewards to be won for giving feedback and attaching photos.

    Migration of comments and reviews from another module

    If you are using the default module for comments, you can migrate comments and ratings from the standard module with 1-click.

    The module will give you statistics and 1-click you can migrate comments from the old module,.

    After migrating the reviews, you can uninstall the old comments module from your store.

    Additional module settings

    Personalize the module to your needs

    You can modify the appearance of the reviews in your store freely by editing the .tpl and .css files of the module. You can also place an order to prepare a customized look on HelpDesk.


    Search, filter and browse reviews and attached images.


    The module optimizes photos uploaded by customers.


    Enable customer name animation (GDPR/RODO).


    Enable customer to edit reviews 1 time.


    You can write your response to each opinion, which will be visible below the opinion. You can edit your response to an opinion at any time.


    Opinion statistics on the "Your Opinions" button in My Account.


    You can accept opinions manually or automatically.


    Sort reviews on the product page.


    You can delete or disable reviews.


    You can enable the "community rating" function.


    You can set the number of photos a customer can attach to reviews.

    Rewards for activity

    Manage the pace of collecting reviews

    If you use our Loyalty Program module, the customer can receive loyalty points for the reviews and photos they leave.

    If you use both PShowTrustedReviews and PShowLoyalty modules in your store, the modules will detect each other and inform the customer about the shared points account in the Loyalty Program module.

    Enable the rewards tab in My Account

    Coming soon...

    Integration with Facebook reviews

    Mix your store reviews with Facebook reviews. Facebook Integrator module is additionally required for integration.

    Integration with Google Business reviews

    Mix reviews issued in the store with reviews from Google My Business. Google My Business module is additionally required for integration.

    Changelog ()
    Komentarze ()
    The reviews posted on our store are not sponsored in any way. We also verify that they were added by customers who have purchased from us or guests. If you want to learn more about this topic please read our Regulations.
    Sławomir N - Tak, gwiazdki i oceny są wyświetlane w wynikach wyszukiwania Google. - moduł może wymagać indywidualnego dostosowania w niektórych przypadkach Elementora.
    Sławomir N
    Czy gwiazdki oceny z karty produktu, będą się wyświetlać w google?
    Czy moduł działa z creative elements/elementorem? Da się umieścić moduł na stronie produktu przez shortcode?
    Grzegorz, zanotowaliśmy Twoje pomysły i weźmiemy je pod rozwagę w przyszłych aktualizacjach modułu.
    Chodzi mi też o otrzymywanie bardziej komentarzy odnośnie zakupu, niż produktu. Przy odzieży każdy może różnie ocenić materiał.
    Witam, czy będzie możliwość stworzenia w sklepie podstrony z wszystkimi komentarzami, jak to ma miejsce w tego typu usługach np. trustmate, trustedshops? Może też jakiś widget wysuwany z możliwością ustalenia miejsca wysuwania?
    zgłoszenie z prośbą o instalację czeka na helpdesk :-)

    Leave a comment

    Write a comment By adding an opinion you agree to the processing of your personal data. Read more about our Privacy Policy.

    • Rating:

    Technical requirements

    Technical Requirements

    • PHP 7.1 - 8.x
    • Server extension ionCube Loader
    • PrestaShop Importer only: PHP libxml version > 2.9.3
    • PrestaShop Facebook Integrator only: PHP 7.2 or higher
    • PrestaShop VAT Validator only: PHP SOAP

    More on technical requirements in the knowledge base

    Support & Updates

    Support = Updates + HelpDesk

    You get 90 days (3 months) access to the complete PrestaShow support package.

    Module updates
    Modules will inform you about available updates. Read the changelog and perform a 1-click module update directly from your store.

    HelpDesk panel
    This is the panel where we will provide you with help. On HelpDesk you can report problems, order free module installation and updates, and order modifications and custom programming work.

    Extend support
    After support expires, you can use the module without any restrictions. You can extend your support access at any time you need it.

    Knowledge Base & FAQ

    Free forever

    The knowledge base is available to everyone. You will find module documentation as well as instructions, videos and answers to frequently asked questions.


    Lifetime license for the module

    Full content of the license

    Module management panel user manual

    Additional domains for Multistore

    • All our modules support PrestaShop Multistore.
    • Supporting unlimited domains for PrestaShop Multistore requires purchasing multistore support for the module.

    Modifying the code

    • The module code related to the integration with the store and the design (.tpl, .css, .js) has open source code and you can modify it freely.
    • The module's source code (.php) is encrypted with ionCube, and modifying it will void the warranty.

    Demo - test the module

    • You can test the module in our demo store.
    • You can find the link to the demo store in the top section of ⬆️.
    • If you have any problems with the operation of the demo, please contact us

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