Suggested service
This module requires manual connection of OVERRIDE files. To avoid problems, we suggest you to choose express module installation. If you know how to merge OVERRIDE files, you can install the module by yourself.

Services and extensions
This extension will allow you to configure the module independently in multiple Multistore stores. Without this extension, you will only be able to use the module in one Multistore store.

200,00 EUR VAT incl. 162,60 EUR net
162,60 EUR net
200,00 EUR VAT incl.
    650 points in the loyalty program
    Support and
    Updates With the module, you get 3 months of support, which you can extend at any time
    Access You will get access to the module files immediately after payment
    VAT 0% You will receive a EU-invoice with 0% VAT.
    Detailed description

    RODO / GDPR Manager for PrestaShop

    The module will bring your store into compliance with legal requirements

    This module will adapt your PrestaShop store to the regulations necessary to run your online store in compliance with legal obligations in Poland (RODO) and the European Union (GDPR).

    Adapt your store to current regulations and be prepared for changes you will need in the future.

    • Create and manage regulations and consents in your online store.
    • Customers will be given access to their consents with the option to withdraw them.
    • Customer can retrieve their data collected in your store.
    • Customer can edit and request deletion or anonymization of selected data or the entire account.

    Formal communication with customers

    Manage in compliance with RODO / GDPR requirements.

    With the module you can manage formal communication with customers in a convenient and transparent way.

    The module will allow you to create any number of regulations, consents and terms and conditions in your PrestaShop store.

    Keeping the workflow in the store and managing customer data is done in accordance with the legal requirements and directives of RODO / GDPR.

    The module adds a tab in My Account where customers can manage their privacy and have access to the data they leave behind.

    Configure and forget, edit when you need to

    Convenient for admins, customers and compliant with legal requirements

    For the store admin

    In the module you will find a list of consents and terms and conditions you have created, which you can associate with any processes in the store. Above that, in the module you will find:

    • History of acceptance of consents and terms and conditions by customers
    • List of requests for withdrawal of accepted consents
    • List of withdrawn consents - if you have accepted a withdrawal request
    • List of requests for account deletion or account anonymization
    • History of collection of personal data by customers

    For store customers

    In My Account, customers will find their formal interactions with your store:

    • List of accepted consents and terms and conditions
    • The right to notifications and to be informed
    • The right to download and transfer their data
    • The right to be forgotten or anonymized
    • The right to restrict data processing
    • The right to correct your information

    Understandable to customers and compliant with RODO / GDPR

    Make it easy for customers to use your store

    Logged-in customers can manage their data - in My Account they will find all the privacy-related tools that are required by RODO / GDPR regulations.

    • The customer has access to accept the consents and terms and conditions they have executed in your store.
    • The customer can withdraw any accepted consent.
    • Customer can download his/her data in CSV file (address data, login data, order history, information about accepted consents and regulations).
    • The customer may request deletion / anonymization of his/her data. Deletion requests and deletion of customer data manage in the module.
    The customer will find a history of accepted consents and access to RODO and GDPR privacy-related tools in My Account

    Create consents and regulations in the module

    Manage formal communications and RODO from one place

    • Regulations
    • Terms of use
    • Privacy policies
    • Warranty provisions
    • Subscriptions
    • Returns policy
    • Licenses
    • Contests
    • Subscriptions to mailing lists (newsletters)
    • Full age requirement, 18+
    • Authorizations

    The module will allow you to create any number of consents, terms and conditions and formal messages to fulfill every legal need in your PrestaShop store.

    Every formal customer interaction with your store is recorded in the module. This historical data secures your eCommerce business:

    • Date and time of acceptance / cancellation
    • Version and content of the consent along with the version and content of the attachments
    • IP of the customer
    PrestaShop GDRP RODO Manager
    You can create as many consents as you want in the module configuration and manage the privacy of RODO and GDRP in your store

    Appearance and location of consent in your store

    Customize your formal communication for every need

    With the module you will adapt your store to current and future requirements you receive, for example, from a lawyer auditing your store.

    You can associate consent with customer account registration, order page, newsletter, contests, CMS pages or other pages of your store. You can do the configuration in a flexible way:

    • Checkbox to select
    • YES / NO switch
    • PUP-UP window with content and checkbox or switch
    • Formal information, e.g. 'By using the form you agree to data processing.' Such consent is saved without checking the switch.
    prestashop rodo gdpr regulaminy
    When creating a new consent, terms and conditions or formal message, provide its name and a link to its full content (e.g., a link to the terms and conditions described in the CMS page). The module will automatically treat the links as attachments to the consent to be accepted.

    Link messages, consents and regulations to any processes in the store

    • Tie consent to a new customer registration form.
    • Tie consent in a shopping cart in multiple steps or an order on a single page (the module works with multiple OPC modules).
    • Tie consent in the POP-UP window after entering the store
    • Consent integrated into the contact form (the module can block the use of the form)
    • Consent or information next to the Newsletter sign-up box

    Place in any places of the store and template

    The module allows you to place consents in custom places of the template using Smart-Tags. For each consent created, the module generates a Smart-Tag that you can paste, e.g.

    • In the content of a CMS page
    • In the content of a blog post
    • Directly in the .tpl files of the template
    prestashop zgody regulaminy konkursy
    You can create as many consents as you want in the module and place them in key places in your store

    Changes to terms and conditions and re-acceptance

    Smart versioning and change management

    If you edit the content of the terms and conditions, the module will make sure that the customer accepts the latest terms and conditions again on the next visit to your store.

    If the content of the terms and conditions changes - you will have an overview of which version of the terms and conditions your customer accepted.

    The versioning process may not be visible to the customer.

    PrestaShop GDRP Manager
    The customer in My Account has access to his/her private data and history of accepted consents and regulations

    Legal Manager Configuration

    Extra features that will make your work with the store easier

    Important information in the Back Office - customer editing

    The module displays a box with a list of the customer's accepted consents on the customer information page in Back Office.

    Block shopping

    Block shopping if the customer has not accepted the indicated consent.

    Handle customers without an account (shopping as a guest)

    The module logs the consents of customers who are not logged in. If a guest subscribes to the Newsletter - the module logs the email and IP address given by the guest.

    Consent only for new customers

    Decide whether the condition should be displayed only to new customers setting up an account, or to all customers.

    Consent only for old, registered customers

    Decide whether the condition or terms and conditions should be displayed to registered customers or only when registering a new account.

    Automatic logout

    If the consent or terms and conditions are not accepted, the customer can be logged out of the store.

    Relationships between consents

    Do not show consent X if the customer has accepted consent Y.

    PrestaShop Multistore support

    You can create terms and conditions independently for each store.

    Email notifications

    Enable email notifications + specify an additional email to which you want the module to send important legal notifications (e.g. account deletion request).

    Compatible with industries excluded - alcohols, erotica

    Allow POP-UP window to close (e.g., of age, 18+) until page reloads or do not allow POP-UP window to close.

    Content and translations

    Format consent content freely using WYSWIG editor in all languages enabled in the store.

    Consent content works with PrestaShop Translator module.

    Legal content

    Adapting your store to legal requirements is an individual matter. See to it that you consult a lawyer about the content of the consents you will place using this module.

    Changelog ()
    Komentarze ()
    The reviews posted on our store are not sponsored in any way. We also verify that they were added by customers who have purchased from us or guests. If you want to learn more about this topic please read our Regulations.
    Patryk G
    Wszystko działa z PS8. Polecam.
    Allan Sigurdsson
    Good module, no usage problems, fully recommend.

    Sebastian A
    Historia edycji i ponowne wyświetlanie zgody po aktualizacji jej treści działa jak należy. Dzięki
    Bartosz Z
    Handlujemy kluczami do gier i programów i kartami podarunkowymi. Modułem w sklepie zarządzamy regulaminem, ciastkami, zapisem do newsletera oraz licencjami do kluczy. Wszystko mamy uporządkowane w jednym miejscu. Polecamy :-)
    Dobry moduł
    Adam T
    Cały czas aktualny. POLECAM:)
    Wojtek Konstanty
    Używaliśmy oficjalnego modułu z sklepu Presty. W porównaniu z Waszym wyglądał ubogo. Moduł PrestaShow polecam. Duży plus za szybką instalację. Polecam wszystkim, którzy muszą dodawać dodatkowe zgody na licencje sprzedawanego oprogramowania. Całkiem uniwersalny moduł, przy okazji załatwiający sprawy z RODO.
    Laik - tak, instalacja przebiega tak samo, jak w przypadku każdego innego modułu - dodanie w panelu admina. Wymagana też jest edycja plików szablonu *.tpl. Moduł posiada instrukcje, która wskazuje pliki i miejsca plików, w których należy dodać kod. W razie problemów lub mocno zmodyfikowanego szablonu zachęcamy do zakupu instalacji modułu.
    czy instalacja jest prosta i laik sobie poradzi ?
    Drodzy klienci / Dear customers (English below)

    PL: Dostajemy wiele pytań dot. wielu sklepów w ramach jednej instalacji Presty (multistore) oraz dot. usuwania konta klienta.

    Jeśli używacie wielu sklepów w ramach multistore, a w każdym sklepie jest np. nna domena i inny język - moduł sobie z tym poradzi. Zgody można tworzyć niezależnie od sklepu w ramach multistore, a każdą zgodę można tłumaczyć w językach, jakie są włączone w sklepie. W przypadku multistore wystarczy zakup jednej licencji - jednego modułu.

    Klient może wysłać prośbę o usunięcie jego konta. Każdy sklep kieruje się inną polityką przetwarzania danych klientów. Sklepy często posiadają niestandardowe modyfikacje oraz moduły, które również zbierają dane lub chcą, aby część danych (np. faktury) pozostała w sklepie. Automatyczne usuwanie danych przez moduł jest wysoce niebezpieczne - np. nie wszystkie dane w Twoim sklepie mogą zostać usunięte. Administrator dostaje powiadomienie o chęci usunięcia konta przez klienta i powinien wykonać z tą informacją stosowne czynności, po których prośbę usunięcia zaznacza jako wykonaną, a moduł zaloguje tą informacje w liście kont usuniętych.


    EN: We have a lot of questions about multistore and multilanguage and about account deletion request.
    If you run many store using multishop and e.g every shop use another language - module will allow you to create terms in every shop separately using translations. One license (one module) for one multistore is enought :-)
    Customers who want delete his account send a request to administrator. Shops have diferent politics with customers data and also modifications and modules that collect data too - automatic data deletion is very dangerous for shop and correct data removal, so we leave it in administrator hands. Admin see, that customers want delete his account and admin could do what needed. After doing your own activities with accound deletion you set deletions request as done and module log it.
    Arek Woźniak
    Po weekendowej aktualizacji jest to najbardziej kompleksowe j uniwersalne rozwiązanie na rynku. Korzystamy na dwóch sklepach presta 1.6 i jednym 1.7 i z czystym sumieniem polecam. Plus za wsparcie - gdy mieliśmy problem wsparcie nadciągnęło w kilkanaście minut. Polecam :-)
    Mieliśmy problemy na 1.6 z racji mocno zmodyfikowanego szablonu naszego sklepu, ale na reakcję nie musieliśmy czekać dłużej niż dzień. Duży plus! Moduł bardzo funkcjonalny, wart przemyślenia i zakupu. Pozdrawiam i dziękuję za szybką pomoc! Rafał
    Piotr J - moduł uruchomiliśmy z powodzeniem na kilkunastu sklepach w wersji 1.5. Prawdopodobnie popełniłeś błąd w trakcie instalacji. Skorzystaj z - pomożemy i poprawimy.
    Piotr J
    Moduł nie działa w prestashop 1.5 - nie zczytuje klas z katalogu vendor - da się coś z tym zrobić?
    Używamy na Prescie 1..6 i wszystko wydaje się działać. Póki co p
    Używamy na Prescie 1..6 i wszystko wydaje się działać. Póki co polecam :)
    v.1.4 - analizowaliśmy możliwość przystosowania, jednak zainteresowanie (3 sklepy) jest aktualnie zbyt małe i nieopłacalne.
    Jeśli zbierze się Państwa więcej, to wykonamy moduł dla PS 1.4..

    Cień szansy, że zadziała w wersji 1.4?
    Plus za aktualizacje z brakującymi funkcjami. Moduł pokrywa nasze potrzeby:) Czekamy na obiecane powiadomienia mailowe i możliwość wygenerowania PDF z jego danymi dla klienta
    Nice module! Thanks! Regular updates with function that we really need. Good choice and looks better than other modules available on market
    The customer can withdraw any given consent.

    The module includes a list of terms to be withdrawn and a list of withdrawn terms along with the data of the customers who asked for withdrawing their consents to the terms. The given consent which has been withdrawn by a customer is included in a list of terms to be withdrawn. The store administrator may withdraw consents of the customers who asked to do so. A withdrawn consent is placed on a withdrawn term lists.

    Deletion or transfer procedure have to be done by store administrator.
    How about deleting all user data on request and all user data transfer to another company?

    Leave a comment

    Write a comment By adding an opinion you agree to the processing of your personal data. Read more about our Privacy Policy.

    • Rating:

    Technical requirements

    Technical Requirements

    • PHP 7.1 - 8.x
    • Server extension ionCube Loader
    • PrestaShop Importer only: PHP libxml version > 2.9.3
    • PrestaShop Facebook Integrator only: PHP 7.2 or higher
    • PrestaShop VAT Validator only: PHP SOAP

    More on technical requirements in the knowledge base

    Support & Updates

    Support = Updates + HelpDesk

    You get 90 days (3 months) access to the complete PrestaShow support package.

    Module updates
    Modules will inform you about available updates. Read the changelog and perform a 1-click module update directly from your store.

    HelpDesk panel
    This is the panel where we will provide you with help. On HelpDesk you can report problems, order free module installation and updates, and order modifications and custom programming work.

    Extend support
    After support expires, you can use the module without any restrictions. You can extend your support access at any time you need it.

    Knowledge Base & FAQ

    Free forever

    The knowledge base is available to everyone. You will find module documentation as well as instructions, videos and answers to frequently asked questions.


    Lifetime license for the module

    Full content of the license

    Module management panel user manual

    Additional domains for Multistore

    • All our modules support PrestaShop Multistore.
    • Supporting unlimited domains for PrestaShop Multistore requires purchasing multistore support for the module.

    Modifying the code

    • The module code related to the integration with the store and the design (.tpl, .css, .js) has open source code and you can modify it freely.
    • The module's source code (.php) is encrypted with ionCube, and modifying it will void the warranty.

    Demo - test the module

    • You can test the module in our demo store.
    • You can find the link to the demo store in the top section of ⬆️.
    • If you have any problems with the operation of the demo, please contact us

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