Suggested service
This module requires manual connection of OVERRIDE files. To avoid problems, we suggest you to choose express module installation. If you know how to merge OVERRIDE files, you can install the module by yourself.

Services and extensions
This extension will allow you to configure the module independently in multiple Multistore stores. Without this extension, you will only be able to use the module in one Multistore store.

300,00 EUR VAT incl.
( 243,90 EUR net)
243,90 EUR net
300,00 EUR VAT incl.
    976 points in the loyalty program
    Premium With the module, you get 3 months of support, which you can extend at any time
    Access You will get access to the module files immediately after payment
    EU Invoice You will receive a VAT invoice with your order
    Detailed description

    Automatic translation of PrestaShop store

    Conveniently work with the store in multiple languages

    The PrestaShop Translator module for store translation uses the neural networks of the Translator DeepL, which can pick up nuances and reproduce them in the translation in a way not seen in competing services.

    Translations made by the module are saved in your store and positively affect the SEO quality of the store in foreign search results.

    • Automatic translation of the store in multiple languages.
    • Translation of current changes in the store.
    • Glossary with which you will create translation pairs for your own specialized terminology and individual communication style.
    DeepL breaks quality records in the field of machine translation.
    • English (American)
    • English (British)
    • Arabic
    • Bulgarian
    • Chinese (simplified)
    • Czech
    • Danish
    • Estonian
    • Finnish
    • French
    • Greek
    • Spanish
    • Japanese
    • Korean
    • Lithuanian
    • Latvian
    • Dutch
    • German
    • Norwegian (Bokmål)
    • Polish
    • Portuguese
    • Portuguese (Brazilian)
    • Korean
    • Russian
    • Romanian
    • Slovak
    • Slovenian
    • Swedish
    • Turkish
    • Ukrainian
    • Hungarian
    • Italian

    Translator DeepL supports more than 30 languages

    Current translation of the store

    Translate the content you are currently editing

    Edit content throughout your store in 1 language. The module will take care of translating the content you enter into the other languages.


    PrestaShop Translator
    The module adds a small, interactive button next to each content field.

    The module adds an interactive small "Translate" button next to each field per content.

    After editing any field, click the "Translate to other languages" or "Translate to <select language>" button. The translator will automatically translate the entered content into all languages enabled in the store.

    Translations are saved in your store's database - you can modify them later using PrestaShop's standard translation mechanism.

    Mass translation

    Template, modules and product catalog

    After installing the module, you can start with mass translation of your store's content.

    Select the source and target languages, and then indicate the store elements you want to translate.

    • The module saves all translations in your store - you can modify them later using PrestaShop's standard translation engine.
    • The translation engine takes into account the formatting of the text and the HTML and CSS code that is in the translated fields.
    • Translate all fields in the product catalog, including: product and category descriptions and names, features, attributes, combinations, CMS pages, tags, friendly URLs, SEO.
    • Translate phrases placed in the store template and installed modules.
    • Translate names of discount codes, order statuses and other content in Back Office settings.
    PrestaShop Translator
    Mass translation of store elements

    Mark content whose translation you want to skip

    • If you want to manually translate, for example, product names and friendly URLs, then you can skip their mass translation
    • You can exclude content at the creation or editing stage. Cover the content with translate="no" tag or class="notranslate" (as in CSS). You can use this to omit proper names or quotes.

    • The module will allow you to translate all or only designated content in your PrestaShop store.
    • You can skip the translation of already translated content

    A detailed view of the translator's work (work-flow)

    In the module, a log is created during the execution of operations. Preview what phrases, how they are translated.

    Live view of logs and changes during mass translation

    Glossary of translations

    Translation accuracy under control

    With Glossaries, you can create preferred translations of words and phrases to adapt automatic translations to different communication styles and specialized terminology.

    The module will transfer your glossaries to the translator engine DeepL.

    PrestaShop Automatic Translator
    Create your own glossaries in the module, such as for specialized terminology. With glossaries you will increase the precision of automatic translations.

    Support for 31 languages

    Prepare your store for international expansion

    We chose DeepL for its context selection and translation precision, free API for basic use and no subscription billing in the professional version - you pay only when you use it.

    DeepL API

    Free half a million characters every month.

    Translator DeepL API allows you to translate 500,000 characters per month for free. The free character pack renews every month.

    DeepL API Pro

    You only pay when you use.

    If you want to translate more you can use the paid package DeepL API Pro, in which you are only billed for current usage. If you don't translate, you pay nothing.

    Switch between
    DeepL API <-> DeepL API Pro

    Plik:DeepL logo.svg
    1. Log in to DeepL and choose free DeepL API or paid DeepL API Pro.
    2. Copy the API KEY of your API and paste it in the module.
    3. There are no fixed subscriptions in DeepL API Pro. You are only billed for the number of characters used (about EUR 20 per 1,000,000 characters).
    4. You can cancel DeepL API Pro at any time and continue using the free package, which renews monthly.

    How to get started with multiple languages?

    Start another language

    Backup your store and database before launching your first translation!

    1. Back Office > "Localization settings" > Enable additional languages and import settings (date format, taxes, etc.).
    2. Go to the PrestaShop Translator module and indicate the source languages from which translations are to be taken and the target language (e.g. Polish -> Czech).
    3. Select the store elements you want to translate in bulk, e.g. modules, CMS pages, product and category information, blog posts, etc.
    4. Click TRANSLATE - the module will start translating and inform you about the progress.
    5. When you want to edit the description of a single product - you can use the option to translate the field you are currently editing.

    Interaction of the translator with other PrestaShow modules

    Modern, Responsive Content Editor

    This module will replace the default content editor in your PrestaShop store. Descriptions created with this module look awesome on computers and mobile devices.


    Product availability by language

    With this module you will prepare an individual catalog offer for each supported market.

    Dostępność produktów według języków PrestaShop

    Manage multiple domains, languages and currencies

    Target additional domains to your store, add these domains in the module and associate them with languages and currencies available in your store. The module will detect the additional domains and take care of redirecting customers to the appropriate domains.


    PrestaShop SEO Blog

    The PrestaShop SEO Blog module will allow you to create interactive blog posts that are friendly to your store's customers and search engines.

    With technically correct, lightweight and high-quality content, you will interact with your customers in new ways and start selling more.

    Changelog ()
    Komentarze ()
    The reviews posted on our store are not sponsored in any way. We also verify that they were added by customers who have purchased from us or guests. If you want to learn more about this topic please read our Regulations.
    Tłumaczenia DeepL, dzięki glosariuszom i kontekstom branżowym wypadają często lepiej niż tłumaczenia Chat GPT :-)
    Piotr P
    Dodajcie tlumaczeniz Chat GPT . Tlumaczenia sa duzo lepsze.

    Jeśli jakieś pole ma uzupełnioną zawartość w danym języku, to moduł uznaje, że jest to pole przetłumaczone w danym języku. Jeśli pole w danym języku jest puste, to moduł oznacza to jako brak tłumaczenia. W module można masowo tłumaczyć wszystko lub tylko pola z brakiem tłumaczenia.

    Automatyczne tłumaczenie aktualnie edytowanego produktu wymaga dodatkowego 1-kliknięcia przy polu, które edytujesz. Możemy rozbudować moduł, aby tłumaczenie odbywało się po zapisie produktu i nie wymagało dodatkowego kliknięcia - otwórz zgłoszenie na
    W jaki sposób moduł wykrywa już przetłumaczone pola, np opisów? Chodzi nam o przedłużacze nie części z produktów którym brakuje tłumaczeń, ale musimy jakoś pominąć te przetłumaczone.
    Moduł od ETS pozwala tłumaczyć opisy jeśli tekst jest 1:1 taki sam na obu wersjach, ale to nie jest idealne rozwiązanie.
    Czy moduł pozwala na automatyczne tłumaczenie opisu przy zapisie produktu?
    Marek Marecki
    Moduł bardzo fajnie przemyślany. Tłumaczy cały sklep na raz a potem ułatwia tłumaczenie bieżących zmian w opisach, nazwach i nawet linkach, itd. Polecam :-)
    Liam Davis
    This module is a game-changer for anyone running an online store internationally. As someone who operates in a multilingual market, I used to spend hours manually translating product descriptions and other content into different languages. But with this module, those days are gone. The translations are accurate and reliable, and the process is fully automated, saving me time and increasing my productivity. I love how easy it is to use with my existing PrestaShop setup. I highly recommend this module to anyone who wants to reach a wider audience with their online store.
    Antonio N
    Awesome solution to keep up to date all languages in the store. Instant translations after main language edit is the most powerful part of this plugin. Thanks
    Daniel F
    Using this module with PrestaShow Domain Manager for 1 month to handle 7 languages in our Presta All work like a charm. Translating is fast and easy. PS Team install modules for free in our store in 4 days. Fully recommend.
    Wszyscy nasi klienci, którym poleciliśmy tego translatora są zadowoleni. Można polegać na PrestaShow. Polecamy!
    Witold J
    Wyśmienity i dopracowany moduł, przyśpiesza pracę całego zespołu obsługującego sklep. Polecam
    Krzysztof G
    Bardzo dobre narzędzie do tłumaczeń. Tłumaczenie aktualnie edytowanych treści - bomba. Polecam.
    Norbert K
    Tłumaczenie ok 800 000 słów (750 produktów oraz kategorie) przetłumaczone w 15 minut. Koszt wyszedł, jak za kilka godzin pracy studenta. Wszystko git.
    Moduł nie wykrywa wszystkich pól w back office np. dla nazwy kodu rabatowego. Na wsparciu to zakolejkowali. Jak wszystkie zgłoszona będą uzupełnione dam 5 gwiazdek, bo poza tym moduł działa sprawnie i szybko :-)
    Szymon C
    Ma fajne opcje tłumaczenia przy polach edycji, więc nie trzeba tłumaczyć masowo, jak to ma miejsce w innych rozwiązaniach. Jest opcja pomijania tłumaczenia nazw własnych itd. Ogółem trafiony moduł, który przyśpiesza pracę. Używamy w PS 1.6.

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    • Rating:

    Technical requirements

    You can read more about the requirements in the knowledge base
    Minimum requirements for all modules:

    • PHP 7.1 - 8.x
    • Server extension ionCube Loader
    • PrestaShop Importer only: PHP libxml version > 2.9.3
    • PrestaShop Facebook Integrator only: PHP 7.2 or higher
    • PrestaShop VAT Validator only: PHP SOAP
    Support and updates
    • You get 3 months of support access to the module.
    • Support gives you access to HelpDesk and module updates.
    • After support expires, you have permanent access to the module in the version that was available on the day your support expired.
    • You can extend your support access at any time

    Module updates
    90 days

    Modules will inform you when an update is available. Refer to the changelog. You will update a module conveniently with 1-click.

    HelpDesk support
    90 days

    HelpDesk is a panel where we provide help for modules. On HelpDesk you can order modifications and custom programming work.

    Knowledge Base - FAQ
    For free

    The knowledge base is available to everyone. In it you will find documentation of modules and answers to frequently asked questions.


    Main domain and secondary domains

    • The module license is perpetual and you can use it without time limit.
    • You can assign the module license to 1 store = 1 domain.
    • You can add an additional domain for a test store.
    • Changing the domain is possible - for this purpose contact us.

    Multistore domains

    • All our modules support PrestaShop Multistore
    • Supporting unlimited domains for PrestaShop Multistore requires purchasing multistore support for the module.

    Modifying the module code

    • The module code related to the integration with the store and the appearance (.tpl, .css, .js) has open source code and you can modify it freely.
    • The module source code (.php) is encrypted with ionCube.
    • You can test some modules in our demo store. You can find the link to the demo store in the top section of the page
    • You can test some modules for free by downloading 14-day Trial .
    • If you have any problems with the operation of the Demo or Trial version, please contact us
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